Sunday, August 22, 2010

St. Cecilia

Feast Day: November 22nd

St. Cecilia by Simon Vouet

Patroness of Music
More than seventeen hundred years ago there lived a little girl whose name was Cecilia. This little girl is now remembered, the world over, for her goodness and her love of music.

Cecilia's mother and father were Roman nobles. They had a beautiful palace in one of the most pleasant parts of Rome. There, in the midst of all that was rich and grand, the child Cecilia was born.

As she grew up, this gentle maiden cared but little for the wealth and grandeur around her. She loved God, and in everything she did she tried to please Him. She sang sweetly and at a very early age made hymns of her own.

She sang these songs to our dear Lord, Jesus Christ. She loved Him so much that she used to carry the story of His life in the folds of her dress so that she might read of Him at any time. Her voice was so sweet that, when she sang, the angels came to listen.

She learned also to play upon the organ, that thus through music she might further show her love for God. She played with so much skill that to this day she is often called the first of organists.

At that time the rulers of Rome did not believe in Christ. They were very cruel to Christians and wished to drive all of them from the city.

For this reason they put to death some of Cecilia's dearest friends and threw others into prison. At last she too was taken and made to stand up before one of the rulers.

"What is your name?" he asked.

"Christian is my name," she said, "though I am commonly called Cecilia."

" What gods do you serve? "

" I serve Jesus Christ," was the answer.

Then she was led forth to her death; but she went bravely and without fear, knowing that her Lord was with her.

(From Standard Catholic Readers By Grade, Third Year by Mary Doyle)


St. Cecilia by Raffaello Sanzio

Purcell; Handel; Haydn: To Saint Cecilia:

Händel: Ouverture (An Ode for St Cecilia's Day):

Ode on St. Cecilia's Day (Vidal) Overture 1/2:

Ode on St. Cecilia's Day (Vidal) Overture 2/2:

Hymn to St. Cecilia (Benjamin Britten):

St. Cecilia by Nicolas Poussin

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