Friday, July 23, 2010

English Village Life: A Reading List


Paintings by Helen Allingham (1848-1926)


  1. I love this list!!!

    My dh and I have just started watching Larkrise to Candleford. He downloaded it on his ipad and we've been watching in bed before we go to sleep! We are up to episode 4. Have you seen them?

    I do wish you lived next door to me. I think we are kindred spirits!

  2. Lark Rise to Candleford was actually the inspiration behind this list. After finishing the book and Flora Thompson's other work, I was eager for more.

    You will LOVE the episodes. They're my favorite thing, ever - I actually ordered Season 3 from England because I couldn't wait to watch it (not realizing the episodes were all on YouTube). I was *thrilled* to learn that Season 4 will start filming soon.

    I do wish I lived next door too!
