Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In the Chicken Yard

Feeding Hens by Myles Birkett Foster (1825-1899)

This was our happy little chicken yard, as of only Monday. Early Tuesday morning, a large feral tomcat managed to break through the *double* layer of chicken wire on the baby chicks' temporary coop and slaughter 18 of the 21 birds. He didn't eat them, but was apparently killing for sport. We also lost a baby goose to this cat, which has left our surviving goose very sad indeed.

Needless to say, I've been in shock all week. I had no idea a cat would have the will, intelligence, and strength to do such a thing! We had some truly beautiful babies, including a number of Polish chicks (only one of whom survived), so we're all quite disapointed. We'd never planned on keeping all 21 birds, figuring half or so might be roosters, but this was tragic. Eleven chickens remain.

The big chicken coop

Temporary enclosure for the baby chicks

Everyone's favorite hangout

(This little guy survived)

Our surviving baby goose

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to hug them and feel their softness. They appear so inviting.
